Different but worthy
I bought Cartomap shortly after it came out and was so excited I immediately tried to use it...and was disappointed. I contacted the developers and found them to be exceptionally helpful and willing to answer my questions and address the issues. I also READ THE INSTRUCTIONS! This helped me figure out that most of the issues I was having were my fault for expecting Cartomap to be AutoCAD, which it is not. Once I understood how they differed, I was able to use the program. The developers are continually adding new options, I am sure as they develop the program and receive feedback they will address the missing functions and issues. I am very glad that I took a chance on the program, I may never be able to do complete drawings on it, but it is a big time saver in my opinion. I have transferred several AutoCAD drawings in .dwg format to the program and they certainly are good enough to verify and show in the field. I look forward to the updates that will add text and dimensioning capabilities, and will comment on the exchange from Cartomap to AutoCAD soon.
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